Tuesday 21 July 2009

Solar Eclipse 22 July 2009

Now as if we've not had enough to deal with since the last full moon, astrologically we're being asked to jump through hoops once again tomorrow - at exactly 2.45am today/tomorrow when the New Moon and the Solar Eclipse are in full alignment.

What does this mean for all of us? The eclipse is in Cancer which is all about the home and domestic arrangements, nurturing, mothering, the inner feminine and feelings - oh did I mention feelings - because oh yes feelings / emotions/ whatever you want to call them - are coming up for review massively in the next few hours.

This is where you get your Justice. It is time to speak up and really overcome your fears of being seen and heard so that you can start to rearrange your life into the structure and harmony that you crave most. It is an amazing opportunity for a clearing - on all levels. Speak from the heart and soul and get your life back.

The presiding Angel to Cancer is Muriel - who reminds us not to get bogged down by introspection. Don't loose yourself in it. Rather get in - see how the land lies - get out and get busy with doing what must be done. That way this angel can guide you to the other side of that coin - Contentment.

It is also a New Moon - so make a wish list for sure. Write down your top ten wishes or less if you are even more focused. And really put heart and something of you in it. Get personal with the list. Light candles whilst doing it - burn incense - play beautiful happy music - whatever to get you in the good mood vibe and then write. What you do with the list? Either hide it away for a long time - at least until the next new moon - or if it is safe for you to do so - Burn it and really watch that smoke go out to the ether. And then finally Surrender to the outcome of it all.

Resist and it will be hard. Accept and it will be easier. The choice is up to you.

If you would like a private one-to-one reading for guidance and direction - please call me today to arrange an appointment. www.rosylife.com

Eclipse Opportunities For Each Star Sign

Its time to Dig deep and really Let Go…either someone, something, any negative behaviour or indeed anything that no longer serves your equilibrium. It you know you've been resisting - now is the time to set yourself free and be congruent with your inner wisdom.

OK so if you felt the heat of the first eclipse, you probably had lots to deal with! Today, the dust is settling and you should be able to feel a little calmer and not so pushed around for the next few days. This welcome break is giving us space to really come to terms with what the full moon energies highlighted so poignantly within us. For those who have to close and complete - we need to work on Acceptance, Forgiveness, Equanimity and finally the action of Release. What is going on internally for you? Have you accepted what/who it is that needs to be let loose yet? Are you relieved? Are you scared? Are you excited about what better situation is most definitely about to enter into your life?

If your decision is about a job move - don't despair! And don't buy into this ‘recession' mindframe either. Rather adopt an outlook of hope and optimism that now at last you can find a job that really suits you much more as a person.

If the decision has been around a relationship remember that you can be more lonely and unhappy in a relationship that has gone wrong already, than being on your own, where you can create new and exciting opportunities to get what you really want. The key is to take the personalities out of the equation and re-visit your relationship values.

So Just let Go!

Aries - Positively assess your Career · Taurus - Look at the Bigger Picture · Gemini - Review Cash, Property & Possessions · Cancer - Check where you are with Other People & Romance · Leo - Revive Health Routines & Positive Behaviour · Libra - Update Your Career & Family Zones · Virgo - Check out Fun, Creativity & Romance · Scorpio - Get your Up-close & Personal stuff in order · Sagittarius - Remember to Give to Others this month · Capricorn - Highly Emotional time so expect All aspects of Life to come under the microscope - Remember Positive Change is necessary! · Aquarius - Get in Touch with the Esoteric side of Life · Pisces - Wishes & Dreams and Future Goals for Group work ·

If you would like a private one-to-one reading for guidance and direction - please call me today to arrange an appointment. www.rosylife.com

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 7.7.09.

As Eclipses are such special events energy wise - I'll be reviewing the effects on us all. See Eclipse season as times when concentrated personal growth and change can occur at rapid speed. New beginnings can spring up out of seemingly nowhere. Endings or Completions that occur in an eclipse season should be treated as final and faithfully wise - regardless of the circumstances. Remember positive change is desirable and there are many hidden blessings if you look carefully enough in all situations.

This season started with a Full Moon eclipse on 7th July in Capricorn and will end on 6th August with a Full Moon eclipse in Aquarius and in between a solar eclipse in Cancer on July 21st. Busy Skies with BIG Energy!! It can be said that following this period when 360 degree turnarounds are possibly, we will all have a much clearer understanding of life and how it fits in with the collective bigger picture. But first the energies will deconstruct anything on the professional and the domestic set-ups in your live that are holding you back or have you in any mis-guided position.

The potential for fundamental change is urgent. Finally bounderies between the work/life balance will be redefined and a new order can prevail. Power struggles will come to the fore and be sorted out once and for all.

We will be challenged on how much worth there is to what we are doing with our precious time. For many, the need to find occupation or relationship, where there is deep emotional investment and reward will be key over the next few weeks. It may feel like reaching a breaking point but I prefer to see it as breaking free moment instead.

Dream Big and Bold and visualise your dreams coming into reality. Do Not worry about the HOW - that is what Divine creative energy is for!

With Capricorn the shadow side is: Not my job, not my fault, not my problem! With Cancer its: I'm always sacrificing for you, I'm not appreciated, I'm not loved enough!! 
If you need further guidance dealing with these shadow aspects - please do contact me - I'm here to help!