Friday 16 October 2009

Moon Rituals

I'm often asked about the influence of the moon and what magic properties there might be in those beautiful moonbeams! So I've put together the following article with my thoughts and suggestions around how I might use the moon's energies. If you feel drawn to have a go - then feel free to follow or do your own version of my typical ritual format laid out below;

Nature’s moon cycles can affect so much more than the tides on our planet. With a build up of cosmic energy, they are the source of external divine power, which can be used to help us manifest positive change in our lives.
It is a good idea to call in new intentions, goals and needs. Observing Nature’s cycles is a natural way of living for us and is part of the life encompassing journey that takes us back to our authentic selves.

Each lunar cycle is a wave of creation that comes to fruition when the Moon is full and runs the full gamut of initiation, progress, manifestation, revelation and the possibility for healing body, mind, and soul. The Moon is the Mother who nurtures us by reflecting Light that gives us knowledge of the reality of our situation.

Working the lunar energies, in balance with solar/earthly energies, provides access to a power greater than our own, to give divine weight to our cosmic orders. The Moonbeams transmit divine guidance and harmonic healing energies to the earth plain.

New moons are traditionally times for finalising cycles and creating and initiating new projects and to progress our ideas. As a result, they sometimes feel somewhat ‘antsy’ as the drive is all about taking action. Sometimes our sleep/eating patterns are disturbed and we find we are more awake for longer, or may have impulses to get on and do things or to start something new.

Full moons are often times for healing, releasing, letting go and surrender. You may want to eat/sleep more, socialise less, retreat, get sympathy and attention, relax in hot baths with essential oils and generally attend to looking after yourself more.

Remember to drink lots of water around these times too – as being properly hydrated takes stress off your body, making you feel more able to cope with any intensity and so lessens any mood swings. Utilise deep breathing, meditation, yoga, rhythmic music, dancing and singing to help the process.

The potency for a moon ritual will hold for 3 days after the lunar event.

How To Do A Moon Ritual

1. If you have a Cosmic Order List from last month, read it over, track your progress and thank the Universe. If it's clear a goal is no closer to manifesting itself then consider revising the format of your order. Sometimes, we have to work around healing sacred wounds or removing layers of obstacle and resistance, before the final outcome can come in.
2. Decide on your heart’s goals or intentions for your highest good.
To aid this process ask yourself questions like

Suggested New Moon Questions:
• What is my dream to achieve?
• What is the best situation for me to be involved with?
• Who would I be without restriction?
• What do I need to help me achieve my goal?
• What external resources do I need to call in to make this happen?
• What extra information do I need?
• Guidance on what extra motivation do I need?
• Guidance on wow do I feel the fear and do it anyway?

Suggested Full Moon Questions:
• What do I want to heal?
• What sadness do I want to let go?
• What relationship old/new present/past – do I need to get closure on?
• What situation old/new present/past – do I need to get closure on?
• What behaviour patterns are no longer serving me and need dropping?
• What addictions am I done with today?
• What anger is holding me back?
• What fear holds me back?
• How do I procrastinate? Haven’t I had enough of that yet?
• What cherished wounds do I have and need to let go of?
• What Story or Stories do I need to let go?
• What do I need to complete NOW?
• What cycle do I need to end NOW?
• What Healing / Closure / Letting Go / Completion am I grateful for?

3. Be as specific as you can be and make sure you write in the present tense and do not put ‘I want’ in a sentence construction. (It might be an idea to include a request for healing for the planet and a move towards the spread of world peace if you are able) Write your goals down in a positive way so that only good comes in

4. You can decorate your list to make it special – with colours and make it fancy or pretty if you like – you could view it as treating yourself to a beautiful gift – ritualize it in whatever way suits you.

Importantly the more energy you invest in putting the order together, the better your results are likely to be – so at the very least put as much feeling and intention in it as you can.

5. Invoke Archangel Haniel – she is very strong and gentle and is all about getting us humans back to a state of harmony and grace. She is strong on personal and psychic development and also increasing Divine Feminine Power (for both genders).

Call in any other Angels, Ascended Masters like Jesus or other Beings of Love & Light and passed over family members if required, to co-create with you and the moon.
Suggested Archangel Haniel invocation:

Archangel Haniel, mistress of the moon, please add your Divine energy of Loving Wisdom to my ceremony
Thank you for guiding my words, actions and attitudes in helping me to achieve my goals
I ask your Divine magnetism helps draw only positive people, energies and outcomes into my life
I ask this for my highest good to enjoy my life and blessings for all those interact with me
Thank you beautiful Haniel

6. Read your intentions out loud to the Universe then either bury, burn (if it is safe to do so), or set it aside your list and do not re-visit it for one month. Do not keep going back to that list – let it be – and work inside yourself to trust the process of working with the Divine. This is organically spiritual and is not part of the instant, disposable ego world.
Finally – and this is important - really engage with how you will feel once you have made real and received orders in your life. Hold these feelings close to your heart and live them like they’ve already happened.

N.B. I say a prayer request for my cosmic order to be heard and dealt with by a specific time. If you do put a timeline on it – be sure to make yourself fully ready to receive it.

7. Thank the moon and the universe for being a part of this ritual and also Archangel Haniel and any other being you included. Close the ritual by repeating ‘It is done” three times.

Now live normally and get on with your week, safe in the knowledge that you've expressed your wishes to the Universe. Do all you can to make them come true… like just believing that they are coming true already and being happy for their impending delivery.

Happy blessings!

Please let me know what happens with your moon list - I would love to hear success stories.

And if all your wishes don’t come right immediately – then consider a few things:

1/ Often change comes over time in waves or layers of small change, as humans rarely want overnight rapid change, which is felt to be too scary.

Many times we have to let go our negativity in stages over time, which results in us having to sometimes ask more than once and work on releasing wounds around the outcome before the final outcome can come into being.

2/ Divine Order will come to pass – so you will be delivered what you need as opposed to sometimes what you want.

3/ For your wishes to be granted it has to be for your highest good and for the good of all concerned – there must be no harm for anyone involved.

4/ Focus on how you are asking for what you want to manifest. Keep the structure as joyful, positive, grateful and specific as you can.

5/ Believe you deserve the happiness you are calling in.

If you need help in finding your way of letting go or anything else mentioned above – call 01273 726 549 or contact me at |

With loving Kindness
Elizabeth Rose