Tuesday 1 September 2009

September Angel Hamaliel

The very gently and peaceful angel that is Hamaliel is the Zodiac Angel for Virgo. Traditionally some of the strong Virgo traits are: attention to detail, cooperative, amiable, practical, hard-working and diet sensitivity to gain perfect physical health. He will work with you through such personality traits and flavours, so this energy will feel somewhat understated – especially compared with last month’s Leo energy, where everything is about spotlight and shouting from the roof tops.

This month is the perfect time for you to get your house in order and secure the foundations that support the maintenance of the status quo, but also anything big coming your way. Hamaliel wants to prepare you for a healthy, happy and fruitful life, so you are free to dream big and achieve to your fullest potential.

I feel Hamaliel’s energy as one who is a very peaceful, studious and contemplative task master. This angel is about taking action - but on the details of life that make up a whole. He is the small picture perspective. Don’t be fooled into thinking that small is unimportant, because it isn’t! Success comes from Happiness. And Happiness comes from lots of Life’s little cogs all working in harmony and balance together to make one giant cog, that turns easily and abundantly. There is nothing forced around his energy – it’s meant to be a grounded, anchored set-up that underpins all that is in our lives.

Hamaliel is about health - if you are healthy you have strength, vitality and inspiration for life.

When I tuned into him, I was immediately enveloped by a big cloud of positive yellow energy, which felt so gentle and motivating at the same time! This helped me turn my senses inward to see what personal work was required for me to do this month.

Hamaliel will help us observe what areas need re-balancing in our lives and his specific energy injects us with a sense discipline and commitment to follow through and make positive changes at a core level of physical strength and health. This angel is about detail and is more about tweaks and minutiae rather than big sweeping changes. This feels to me as very achievable.

Hamaliel says in many cases this means a completion of work started some time ago and paying close attention to certain details that can make all the difference. Whilst he warns against over-fastidiousness, Hamaliel reminds us to leave out any drama or emotion and get practical enough to really examine what needs to be done. This preparation is required in order for us to move on and achieve big dreams.

As Hamaliel is very concerned with healthy eating and diet as part of a daily fitness routine, it is no coincidence that I started a 2 week de-tox program yesterday. Oh yes I am definitely going to use the abounding energies to help me clean up my diet!!

This angel will help you re-calibrate your diet to a more healthy and balanced consumption and will help you to let go of any diet niggles or addictions. You can work in tandem with Hamaleil and Archangel Raphael on this.

Hamaliel is also associated with sorting out relationships especially around the workplace. Ask Hamaliel to help you find the right tone and self-expression, when you put your point across to a boss or colleague. This is most definitely a time when you can make great improvements in this area if you seize this opportunity. Similarly if you are looking for new work – call in Hamaliel to help boost your search.

The powerful crystals he works through are Turquoise for wisdom and healing and Blue Topaz for clarity in equal judgement, communication and assessing your good points and not-so-good points all in one.

Hamaliel said:

I come to you now in your need for self motivation, to really push your attention into the corners of your life, so you can clean up any stagnating energies, negative behaviour patterns or set-ups. This is necessary preparation, so you can achieve big things later down the line.

Then he spoke using the analogy of a garden for one’s own life and said:

Prepare the soil of your garden so you can see many flowers bloom. Work hard to achieve expected blooms and also unexpected blooms. For it is the unexpected flowers can bring as much joy (or even a little more) than those blooms you knew would come.

With the expected flower there is no sense of miracle, with the unexpected flower there is a sense of miracle, surprise and wonderment.

Believe and understand that Miracles are ahead of each and every one of you! Miracles come in all shapes and sizes and are tailored towards the individual’s need. Every person has the right to dream in accordance with their life. Go for your dream. Go for your miracle and prepare your garden to receive it. And so it is. Aho.

If you would like help to contact Hamaliel or any of the angels and want support implementing new health structures in your life – contact me via www.rosylife.com or tel 01273 726 539.

With happy blessings

Elizabeth Rose

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